№ 5 (18) Special Issue

Wednesday December 28th, 2016 echelon 0

The special issue dedicated to Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation.Contents of issue #5 of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2016:

“Directions of a new level education to counter cyberthreats in financial sphere”

“Application of the case to the problems of informational security”

№ 4 (17)

Monday December 12th, 2016 echelon 0

Content of 4 issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2016 :

“Cyber danger as one of the strategic threats to Russia’s energy security”

“Issues of protecting business information systems from botnets attacks”

“Counteraction to computer attacks in railway transport”

№ 3 (16) Special Issue

Thursday August 4th, 2016 echelon 0

New special issue of our journal: Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, 50 years old.Content of 3rd issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2016:

“Protection method from destructive software effects in multiservice networks”

“IUsing program verification for detecting malware”

“Approach to implementation of dynamic analysis progarams source texts”

№ 2 (15)

Monday June 27th, 2016 echelon 0

Content of 2nd issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2016 :

“On development of web application vulnerability analysis technique during sortware security evaluation”

“On improvement of the selectivity of one algorithm for determine malware authorship”

№ 1 (14)

Saturday February 20th, 2016 echelon 0

Content of 1nd issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2016 :

“The model for the choice of a rational composition of the protection system in e-commerce”

“Issues of trusted boot in physical and virtual environments”

“Indistinguishable obfuscation security theoretical proof”