№ 5 (24)

Monday December 25th, 2017 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2018:

“Big data technologies for security event correlation based on event type accounting”

“Assessment of entropy of information security systems”

“Analisys of ways to secure group control for autonomus mobile robots”

№ 4 (22)

Wednesday October 25th, 2017 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2017:

“The degree of confidence of software and hardwareas a measure of quality import substitution”

“Using smart cards in telemedical systems”

“Book review of national early warnings sustem for cyber-attack by S.Petrenko and D.Stupin”

№ 3 (21)

Thursday September 14th, 2017 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2017:

“Firts order logil for program code functional requirements description”

“Expansion of the operational risk profile in banks under increase of DDos-threats”

“A study of web-crawlers behaviour”

№ 2 (20)

Thursday September 14th, 2017 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2017:

“Statistics of software vulnerabilities detection during certified testing”

“Verification of the security of the electronic digital signature protocol using avispa”

“Efficiency of steganalysis based on machine-learning methods “

№ 1 (19)

Thursday March 9th, 2017 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2017:

“Application of the theory of opportunities in the modeling of information systems”

“Iterative method for clone code detection based on computing the edit distance”

“Up-to-date requirements for scientific articles”