
№ 4 (32)

Wednesday July 31st, 2019 echelon 0

Content of the 4th issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2019:
Main problem directions in the field of domestic element base of supercomputers
Angara interconnect: architecture and performance results
Personality traits prediction VKontakte social media

№ 3 (31) Special Issue

Wednesday July 24th, 2019 echelon 0

Content of 1st issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2019:

“Hybrid containerized computing technology for high-performance data processing in cluster systems”

“Model for building competencies of a computer crime investigator”

“Safe database design when using ORM”

№ 2 (30)

Monday July 22nd, 2019 echelon 0

Content of 2 issue of magazine «Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti» at 2019:
Mobile banking: information security risk assessment
The approach to mobile devices security certification
Detection anomalies bid data in unstructured syslogs